Results for Point Group D6d

Characters of representations for molecular motions
Motion E 2S12 2C6 2S4 2C3 2(S12)5 C2 6C'2 d
Cartesian 3N 75 0.732 2 -1 0 -2.732 -1 -1 5
Translation (x,y,z) 3 0.732 2 -1 0 -2.732 -1 -1 1
Rotation (Rx,Ry,Rz) 3 -0.732 2 1 0 2.732 -1 -1 -1
Vibration 69 0.732 -2 -1 0 -2.732 1 1 5

Decomposition to irreducible representations
Motion A1 A2 B1 B2 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Total
Cartesian 3N 4 2 2 5 7 6 6 6 6 44
Translation (x,y,z) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Rotation (Rx,Ry,Rz) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Vibration 4 1 2 4 6 6 6 6 5 40

Molecular parameter
Number of Atoms (N) 25
Number of internal coordinates 69
Number of independant internal coordinates 4
Number of vibrational modes 40

Force field analysis

Allowed / forbidden vibronational transitions
Operator A1 A2 B1 B2 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Total
Linear (IR) 4 1 2 4 6 6 6 6 5 10 / 30
Quadratic (Raman) 4 1 2 4 6 6 6 6 5 15 / 25
IR + Raman - - - - 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 6 - - - - 0 / 15

Characters of force fields
(Symmetric powers of vibration representation)
Force field E 2S12 2C6 2S4 2C3 2(S12)5 C2 6C'2 d
linear 69 0.732 -2 -1 0 -2.732 1 1 5
quadratic 2.415 -0.732 2 1 0 2.732 35 35 47
cubic 57.155 -1.000 -1 -1 23 -1.000 35 35 195
quartic 1.028.790 0.000 0 18 0 0.000 630 630 1.078
quintic 15.020.334 -0.000 0 -18 0 -0.000 630 630 3.886
sextic 185.250.786 -0.000 12 18 276 0.000 7.770 7.770 16.354

Decomposition to irreducible representations
Column with number of nonvanshing force constants highlighted
Force field A1 A2 B1 B2 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5
linear 4 1 2 4 6 6 6 6 5
quadratic 123 82 99 105 198 204 198 204 199
cubic 2.442 2.327 2.345 2.425 4.758 4.764 4.764 4.764 4.758
quartic 43.321 42.467 42.779 43.003 85.680 85.782 85.680 85.788 85.680
quintic 627.001 624.743 625.061 626.689 1.251.642 1.251.750 1.251.642 1.251.744 1.251.642
sextic 7.725.163 7.713.101 7.716.983 7.721.275 15.436.896 15.438.186 15.436.962 15.438.192 15.436.896

Further Reading

Contributions to nonvanishing force field constants

pos(X) : Position of irreducible representation (irrep) X in character table of D6d

Subtotal: <Number of nonvanishing force constants in subsection> / <number of nonzero irrep combinations in subsection> / <number of irrep combinations in subsection>
Total: <Number of nonvanishing force constants in force field> / <number of nonzero irrep combinations in force field> / <number of irrep combinations in force field>

Contributions to nonvanishing quadratic force field constants
Irrep combinations (i,i) with indices: pos(A1) ≤ i ≤ pos(E5)
..10. A1A1...1. A2A2...3. B1B1...10. B2B2...21. E1E1...21. E2E2...21. E3E3...21. E4E4...15. E5E5.
Subtotal: 123 / 9 / 9
Irrep combinations (i,j) with indices: pos(A1) ≤ i ≤ j ≤ pos(E5)
Subtotal: 0 / 0 / 36
Total: 123 / 9 / 45

Contributions to nonvanishing cubic force field constants
Irrep combinations (i,i,i) with indices: pos(A1) ≤ i ≤ pos(E5)
..20. A1A1A1...56. E4E4E4.
Subtotal: 76 / 2 / 9
Irrep combinations (i,i,j) (i,j,j) with indices: pos(A1) ≤ i ≤ j ≤ pos(E5)
..126. E1E1E2...126. E2E2E4...4. A1A2A2...12. A1B1B1...40. A1B2B2...84. A1E1E1...84. A1E2E2...84. A1E3E3...84. A1E4E4...60. A1E5E5.
..15. A2E1E1...15. A2E2E2...15. A2E3E3...15. A2E4E4...10. A2E5E5...42. B1E3E3...84. B2E3E3...90. E2E5E5.
Subtotal: 990 / 18 / 72
Irrep combinations (i,j,k) with indices: pos(A1) ≤ i ≤ j ≤ k ≤ pos(E5)
..8. A2B1B2...60. B1E1E5...72. B1E2E4...120. B2E1E5...144. B2E2E4...216. E1E2E3...216. E1E3E4...180. E1E4E5...180. E2E3E5...180. E3E4E5.
Subtotal: 1.376 / 10 / 84
Total: 2.442 / 30 / 165

Contributions to nonvanishing quartic force field constants
Irrep combinations (i,i,i,i) with indices: pos(A1) ≤ i ≤ pos(E5)
..35. A1A1A1A1...1. A2A2A2A2...5. B1B1B1B1...35. B2B2B2B2...231. E1E1E1E1...231. E2E2E2E2...357. E3E3E3E3...231. E4E4E4E4...120. E5E5E5E5.
Subtotal: 1.246 / 9 / 9
Irrep combinations (i,i,i,j) (i,j,j,j) with indices: pos(A1) ≤ i ≤ j ≤ pos(E5)
..336. E1E1E1E3...224. A1E4E4E4...56. A2E4E4E4...112. B1E2E2E2...224. B2E2E2E2...210. E3E5E5E5.
Subtotal: 1.162 / 6 / 72
Irrep combinations (i,i,j,j) with indices: pos(A1) ≤ i ≤ j ≤ pos(E5)
..10. A1A1A2A2...30. A1A1B1B1...100. A1A1B2B2...210. A1A1E1E1...210. A1A1E2E2...210. A1A1E3E3...210. A1A1E4E4...150. A1A1E5E5...3. A2A2B1B1...10. A2A2B2B2.
..21. A2A2E1E1...21. A2A2E2E2...21. A2A2E3E3...21. A2A2E4E4...15. A2A2E5E5...30. B1B1B2B2...63. B1B1E1E1...63. B1B1E2E2...63. B1B1E3E3...63. B1B1E4E4.
..45. B1B1E5E5...210. B2B2E1E1...210. B2B2E2E2...210. B2B2E3E3...210. B2B2E4E4...150. B2B2E5E5...666. E1E1E2E2...666. E1E1E3E3...666. E1E1E4E4...780. E1E1E5E5.
..666. E2E2E3E3...1.107. E2E2E4E4...465. E2E2E5E5...666. E3E3E4E4...465. E3E3E5E5...465. E4E4E5E5.
Subtotal: 9.171 / 36 / 36
Irrep combinations (i,i,j,k) (i,j,j,k) (i,j,k,k) with indices: pos(A1) ≤ i ≤ j ≤ k ≤ pos(E5)
..756. E1E1E2E4...630. E1E1E3E5...630. E2E2E3E5...504. A1E1E1E2...504. A1E2E2E4...126. A2E1E1E2...126. A2E2E2E4...252. B1E1E1E4...504. B2E1E1E4...756. E1E2E2E3.
..630. E1E2E2E5...1.260. E1E3E3E5...630. E1E4E4E5...1.512. E2E3E3E4...630. E3E4E4E5...60. A1A2E1E1...60. A1A2E2E2...60. A1A2E3E3...60. A1A2E4E4...40. A1A2E5E5.
..168. A1B1E3E3...336. A1B2E3E3...360. A1E2E5E5...42. A2B1E3E3...84. A2B2E3E3...90. A2E2E5E5...120. B1B2E1E1...120. B1B2E2E2...120. B1B2E3E3...120. B1B2E4E4.
..80. B1B2E5E5...252. B1E2E4E4...180. B1E4E5E5...504. B2E2E4E4...360. B2E4E5E5...756. E1E3E4E4...540. E1E3E5E5...540. E2E4E5E5.
Subtotal: 14.502 / 38 / 252
Irrep combinations (i,j,k,l) with indices: pos(A1) ≤ i ≤ j ≤ k ≤ l ≤ pos(E5)
..32. A1A2B1B2...240. A1B1E1E5...288. A1B1E2E4...480. A1B2E1E5...576. A1B2E2E4...864. A1E1E2E3...864. A1E1E3E4...720. A1E1E4E5...720. A1E2E3E5...720. A1E3E4E5.
..60. A2B1E1E5...72. A2B1E2E4...120. A2B2E1E5...144. A2B2E2E4...216. A2E1E2E3...216. A2E1E3E4...180. A2E1E4E5...180. A2E2E3E5...180. A2E3E4E5...432. B1E1E2E3.
..360. B1E1E2E5...432. B1E1E3E4...360. B1E2E3E5...360. B1E3E4E5...864. B2E1E2E3...720. B2E1E2E5...864. B2E1E3E4...720. B2E2E3E5...720. B2E3E4E5...1.296. E1E2E3E4.
..2.160. E1E2E4E5...1.080. E2E3E4E5.
Subtotal: 17.240 / 32 / 126
Total: 43.321 / 121 / 495

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Last update November, 13th 2023 by A. Gelessus, Impressum, Datenschutzerklärung/DataPrivacyStatement